In the latest blog post the Written World team announced that they are currently looking for alpha testers for the game. This topic will serve as the main location for organising the testing sessions - reply with the times you are free throughout the week (GMT/UTC is preferred) and your Kickstarter username (since the forum is still public at the moment this is necessary to verify you are a supporter) and I will add your details to the main thread. This should make it easier for the dev team to see which members are available when they want to run a test, without having to look through multiple threads or blog comments.
Current Applications:
Serris (Alejandro) - Every day, 5pm to 10pm
kyon_geass (kyon_geass) - Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, any time
Detdigit (detdigit) - Every day, mornings GMT+1
Hunter X (Matthew Halls) - Most afternoons GMT, 1-15th April most of the day
Magnus4444 (?) - 4pm GMT weekdays, most times weekends, plus 12:30 - 1:30 lunchtimes
meamgenius (?) - 8pm to 11pm weekdays, 9am to 11pm weekends EST
-- Edited by Hunter X on Friday 13th of April 2012 09:33:12 PM
I am available for testing from 4pm on most weekdays and can arrange most times over the weekend. I'm usually available at lunchtimes 12.30 - 1.30pm too. Get in touch ... Look forward to playing!
Sorry for the delay guys, but we have some exciting news for you, I'm sending messages out individually to those who have expressed an interest in advance testing.. Speak soon!
pardon my gibberish. I'd love to alpha test.. I filled out the email linked form so ... yeah.
Oh times available - ha. EST - Weekends 9AM-11PM
M-F 8PM-11PM. If it is consistant I can schedule for it / beg for some free time.
Definitely have a facebook account just email me and I'll be the one jumping up and down and yelling. ...not that you could see that but I'm a little slow sometimes and it will take a while for me to catch on to that so you'll just have to picture it. I could draw you a picture! Oh but my drawing is pretty awful. "What's that spider doing?" That's not a spider that's me jumping up and down. "I don't see it. I see a spider sort of caught in it's own web and possibly choking on something." No see... there's my arms... and well that's a squirrel but just ignore that. What? I like squirrels. So there are my legs and ... Okay so I'm sitting down in the picture with the squirrel having tea but I got distracted by the squirrel outside. "You know, I"m just gonna take your word on this one..."